Thursday, April 19, 2012

Long Time....

No apologies this time. Life got busy, Spring has sprung, I lost some of my ambition. But no worries. I have still been taking pictures & exploring.

I finally got the new point & shoot camera. I went with a Canon and am so impressed with it. It's the perfect size and takes perfect quick pictures. I love being able to carry it with me everywhere I go. The first few days I had it I fretted because I couldn't find anything to take pictures of. I assure you that is no longer an issue. One of my challenges to myself has been to find something motivating, inspiring or thought provoking to take a picture of each day. That way when I finally get around to downloading the pics, I have a memory to go with them. It brings a smile to my face.

So there is a local blogger that I love to follow. Her husband is our local baker & makes some awesome products. A while back Zoe posted about her parents leaving there farm due to the uprising of gas drilling in our neck of the woods. Zoe wanted to share a piece of her parents farm with anyone who was willing to partake. She was kind enough to send me a beautiful packet of seeds and instructions on how to plant them. So for Zoe, I am posting a picture of the new seedling growth in my patch of woods.
For Zoe...they are sprouting! 

For everyone else..check out Zoe's blog (click the highlighted name Pearled Earth).

Pearled Earth Blog

Just wanted to share a recent pic of Winnie & I. She has good days & bad but we seem to have gotten the seizures under control. And for those of you who didn't know. Emma (fat cat) Carey passed away. We miss her greatly but are happy knowing she is no longer suffering.

RIP Miss Emma! 


  1. Jess, finding this post made my morning - thank you. So sorry about your cat, and glad about your dog. And hope you're enjoying an awesome spring...!
