Thursday, May 2, 2013

Spring Laden

Definition of Laden: Weighed down with a load; heavy:

Most people associate Spring with thoughts of rebirth, growth, nourishment, beauty.

This morning as I looked around at all the trees, took in the morning air, contemplated my current situation in life, I determined Spring is a laden season.  

The trees are laden with the buds waiting to burst open. 

The flowers are laden with petals awaiting something to come relieve them of their pollen. 
The grass is laden with the morning dew. 
The air is laden with the scents of pollen, from multiple sources. 
The birds are laden with the morning sunshine hitting their wings, waking them up, causing them to sing. 
I, myself, am laden with the knowledge that yet another pet is getting ready to cross the rainbow bridge. My heart is heavy, my soul is worn, my mind is tired. 

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