Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Several topics tonight

 Several thing bouncing around in my head. 

1) I fully intend to get out and take pictures of Christmas Lights (not sure when). But until than, I want to take the time to thank all of those beautiful people who decorate their houses with lights. While I may not feel in the Christmas spirit this year, the houses so beautifully decorated with lights brings a smile to my heart. I love seeing what people put on display.
Bundled up for the snow.

2) Around this time of year I often think of my husband's grandmother "Nonie". Nonie touched me in such a special way. She was a woman of grace and taught me the finer points of being a lady. I can still picture Nonie getting bundled up every morning for the drive down to her house. And than when she would come home, I would sit in the kitchen & talk to her. Nonie knew that this simple gal was good for her Johnnie Boy and she could overlook any imperfections that I may have felt were hard to over look.
 (Sorry, I can't get my picture of her to upload.)

3) A dear friend of mine (Michelle P-W )- shared this blog post on her facebook page & I wanted to share it with you. Touches home on so many points and not just for those who are in the final stages of their life.

So I hope you read Paulo's blog post...because here goes...
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. This is something I struggle with at times and have become much stronger about in the last few years. I know realize that I do not have to live my life to please others. Only I need to be happy with the decisions that I make. 

2. I wish I didn’t work so hard. I'm okay with this one. I know my limits and most of the time I know when enough is enough. 

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings. I'm about 50/50 with this one. Some people would say I have no filter while others would say I filter myself too much. I can openly express my feelings of love, appreciation & compassion. It's my feelings of disappointment, regret, and let down that I tend to fight with. 
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. So while you may only hear from me at Christmas time or a once a year birthday card, know that I am making an attempt to stay in touch with you. My life has been touched by many people and I am grateful for all of you. 

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. While people may think me silly, childish, afraid to grow up, they are wrong. The things I do to keep myself happy also keep me young. I still color in coloring books, I still wear furry animal hats and furry animal slippers (not necessarily at the same time). I still add stickers to my letters. I still draw a smiley face after my name. Allow yourself to be happier, do silly things, laugh & cry for no reason & I believe you will life a much younger life. 

Gus and I being HAPPY during our Texas visit! 

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